Saturday, 14 November 2015

The Poo Bus

This is not a review, I don't do reviews and most likely never will but THIS book! This book is weirdly epic. 

 Alice loves books and I love reading to her but I can't face reading the same damn books over and over and buying new books every week is expensive so once a week we make a library trip. If I'm being honest I enjoy it way more then her, she just looks bored while I'm rummaging through the little kids section excitedly trying to find books from my childhood and relive the greatness that is The Tiger That Came To Tea, The Greedy Zebra and Whatever Next. 

During our latest trip I found the little gem that is Here Comes The Poo bus. I was probably as excited as when you find a £5 note on the floor and you get to keep it.

I've read it to Alice a few times now and she seems to enjoy it nearly as much as me. What's not to love about a story about poo?! 

I do wonder though how anyone sat down and thought do you know what would make a great story? A bus made out of poo! With lots of of subtle references all the way through like 'steaming' and 'heavy load'.

I won't say too much in case anyone fancies a read but if you think a story about bugs, poop and an ugly toad sounds intriguing I highly recommend Here Comes The Poo Bus. 

Oh and I forgot to mention, it rhymes. 


  1. Oh my god, I NEED this book in my life!!!!

    1. Amazon sell it! Get it T for Christmas ;)
